Dave Player
CEO & Founder
Dave Founded KartForce in 2010, following years of experience in disability sport. In 2015 he formed Team BRIT, giving KartForce drivers the opportunity to step up to competitive racing against able-bodied drivers. Dave served as a Royal Engineer in the Army from 1983 – 1988. He then joined the family real estate business in the Algarve where he suffered a spinal injury in 1991. After rehabilitation he set up his own businesses, all connected to sport, tourism and property. These included managing international sporting events at European & Paralympic levels. He returned to the UK and wanted to work with injured troops. Having experience in re-shaping and creating a new life in a wheelchair from the age of 23, he offers his knowledge & guidance to others in similar circumstances. Dave designed a set of hand controls that could fit any kart, allowing drivers with a wide variety of disabilities to compete on a level playing field with able-bodied drivers. This was the start of KartForce. He has now gone on to develop world-leading hand controls putting Team BRIT at the pinnacle of disability motorsport technology. To contact Dave email info@teambrit.co.uk.